Modern Slavery Statement

Although the digital information and content industry in which BetOnCrypto operates is not commonly associated with modern slavery risks, we recognize our responsibility to take proactive steps in preventing slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business. BetOnCrypto is fully committed to ensuring our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery.

Organizational Structure and Supply Chains

BetOnCrypto is a leading online platform that provides information and resources related to cryptocurrency investment. Our primary activities include content creation, research, and digital publishing. Our key suppliers are content providers, digital marketing services providers, and software providers. We understand that modern slavery risks are lower in these industries; however, we remain vigilant and committed to ethical business practices.

Relevant Policies

To support our commitment to combating modern slavery, BetOnCrypto has implemented the following policies:

Whistleblowing Policy

We encourage all employees, partners, and stakeholders to report concerns about our activities or supply chains. This includes any suspicions or evidence of modern slavery or human trafficking. 

Employee Code of Conduct

Our Employee Handbook and induction program outlines the behavior standards expected from all staff members. We emphasize the importance of ethical conduct and the need to be vigilant against any signs of modern slavery within our operations or supply chains.

Supplier Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence when selecting and working with partners. This includes assessing their compliance with anti-slavery laws and ethical standards. We only partner with reputable partners who share our commitment to preventing modern slavery.

Due Diligence and Risk Management

BetOnCrypto undertakes due diligence to identify and address any risks of modern slavery in our partnership. This includes:

  • We evaluate new and existing partners based on their adherence to ethical practices and their ability to prevent modern slavery within their own operations.
  • We regularly review our partners’ practices and conduct audits when necessary to ensure ongoing compliance with our standards.

Training and Awareness

We recognize the importance of educating our employees about the risks of modern slavery and how to identify and report potential issues. All staff members receive training on our Modern Slavery Policy as part of their induction, and we provide ongoing education to keep our team informed about the latest developments and best practices.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

BetOnCrypto is committed to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. We will regularly review and update our policies, procedures, and training programs to ensure they remain effective and relevant.

Organizational Declaration

This statement is made under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It has been approved by the leadership of BetOnCrypto and is reviewed annually to reflect our ongoing commitment to ethical business practices.