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Mark Cuban Predicts Bitcoin Surge

Billionaire and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban says Bitcoin (BTC) is poised for significant growth.

Cuban recently shared with his 8.8 million followers on the social media platform X that Silicon Valley's support for former President Trump is a strategic move favoring Bitcoin.

In Cuban's view, a Trump presidency will make it easier to run crypto businesses in the US due to necessary changes at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He believes that regulatory adjustments under Trump's leadership will favor the cryptocurrency industry.

Cuban also points out that inflationary pressures and geopolitical instability will further drive BTC to new heights. He explains that lower tax rates and tariffs could lead to inflation.

“What will drive the price of BTC is lower tax rates and tariffs, which if history is any guide (and it’s not always ), will be inflationary.

Combine that with global uncertainty as to the geopolitical role of the USA, and the impact on the US dollar as a reserve currency, and you can’t align the stars any better for a BTC price acceleration.”

Cuban asserts that once Trump is in power and geopolitical uncertainty is high, BTC can become a “safe haven” asset, rising in value much more than people expect.

“How high can the price go? Way higher than you think. Remember, the market for BTC is global. The supply is capped at 21 million BTC, and it can be divided into smaller units.

Think about this: if geopolitical uncertainty and the declining value of the dollar as a reserve currency make BTC a global ‘safe haven,’ it could become the asset that everyone buys to protect their savings.

Does it sound crazy? It’s already happening in countries experiencing hyperinflation.

And if things escalate beyond our current expectations (and I’m not saying they will, but the possibility is above zero), then BTC could become exactly what its biggest supporters envision—a global currency.”

Yana is a writer specializing in the latest crypto trends and news. She consistently shares fresh, useful, and interesting information. Her content is known for its clarity and accessibility. Yana simplifies complex crypto topics, making them accessible to everyone through her articles, blog posts, and newsletters.