R. Kiyosaki Reveals Strategies to Survive the Greatest Financial Crisis

Robert Kiyosaki, a well-known investor, entrepreneur, and author of the best-selling personal finance book Rich Dad Poor Dad, has once again issued a warning about an impending financial crisis. He believes that an economic downturn is approaching and has shared strategies to help individuals protect themselves. In his recent post on X (formerly Twitter) on September 26, Kiyosaki referenced advice from James Rickards' new book MoneyGPT, recommending practical steps that people can take to prepare for difficult times. His main advice includes keeping cash and silver coins on hand instead of relying solely on bank accounts.

Kiyosaki advised setting aside the equivalent of two months' worth of expenses in cash and storing it in a secure place. He stressed the importance of having physical access to money during a crisis, rather than relying on digital or bank-held assets. In addition to cash, he encouraged people to save silver coins as an alternative to keeping savings in the bank. According to him, silver can hold its value and can be more useful in an emergency situation.

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Why Silver and Bitcoin Matter

Kiyosaki elaborated on why he prefers saving silver coins, specifically the U.S. Silver Eagle, rather than holding on to cash. He explained that in a financial crisis, one-ounce silver coins could be used as a form of money, making them a valuable asset to have. Silver, being a tangible resource, may serve as a reliable store of value when traditional currency systems are under strain. This is why he advocates having a combination of cash and silver for essential expenses in the short term.

Beyond silver, Kiyosaki also emphasized the importance of owning Bitcoin (BTC). He has consistently recommended Bitcoin as a way to gain an advantage in the face of economic instability. He believes that, in the long run, Bitcoin can help individuals come out ahead in the financial world. According to Kiyosaki, once you have saved enough cash and silver to cover two months of living expenses, it would be wise to invest in more Bitcoin to maximize potential gains.

Kiyosaki has made bold predictions about Bitcoin's future value. He previously forecasted that Bitcoin would reach $500,000 by 2025, and even $1 million by 2030. His optimistic outlook for Bitcoin is tied to his belief that artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly disrupt the financial world, driving major shifts in how money operates globally. This technological shift, he believes, will push the value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to new heights.

Shifting Away from the Stock Market

In addition to advocating for silver and Bitcoin, Kiyosaki also highlighted a significant move made by Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the world's most renowned investors. Kiyosaki pointed out that Buffett has recently sold a large portion of his Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) stock and moved a substantial amount of money into cash. He referred to this decision as a sign that even top investors are becoming cautious about the stock market.

In the second quarter of 2024, Buffett’s company sold 389 million shares of Apple, a stark contrast to his holdings from the same period the previous year. Despite this major sell-off, Apple stock still accounts for about 30% of Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio, showing that while Buffett has reduced his position, he hasn’t completely exited the tech giant. Kiyosaki sees Buffett's move as evidence that even traditionally strong stocks may be vulnerable in the coming financial storm.

Kiyosaki’s advice to avoid the stock market aligns with his long-standing warnings about an impending crash. He has repeatedly voiced concerns that the biggest stock market crash in history has already begun, and he expects it to worsen in the near future. This bearish outlook on stocks echoes James Rickards' definition of a financial depression, where markets may struggle for an extended period, and traditional investments may underperform.

A Long-Standing Warning

While Kiyosaki's predictions may seem dire, he has been making similar warnings for over a decade. Since as early as 2011, Kiyosaki has warned of financial calamities, and his critics often point out that his dire predictions have not yet fully materialized. However, the current economic landscape, with rising inflation, geopolitical tensions, and shifts in technology, has prompted renewed attention to his recommendations.

It’s happening. The crash has already started. As Rickards says, we entered a depression in 2008, and the definition of a depression is subprime growth, so America and the world have not grown

Whether or not Kiyosaki’s predictions come true, his advice offers a way to hedge against potential risks. By encouraging individuals to focus on hard, tangible assets like silver and Bitcoin, as well as holding sufficient cash, Kiyosaki believes people can better protect themselves from the uncertainties of the financial future. His message is clear: prepare now, before the crisis hits.

Yana is a writer specializing in the latest crypto trends and news. She consistently shares fresh, useful, and interesting information. Her content is known for its clarity and accessibility. Yana simplifies complex crypto topics, making them accessible to everyone through her articles, blog posts, and newsletters.